About Us

The first Association of Engineers in Burma organized with membership open to all engineers in Myanmar was constituted in 1927 based on its forerunner i.e the Burma Engineering Congress inaugurated in 1916 where the membership was confined only to engineers of the Public Works department. The Association was lively till the outbreak of the Second World War (1939-1945) and then the activities were interrupted. In 1948 , with the attainment of independence the Association entered on its another phase of existence and activities were renewed till 1963 when all parties and associations were abolished under the Government Act. As a result, the Association of Engineers in Burma was abolished. Various attempts to revive and register the Association proved unsuccessful for 32 years until 1995, when the Diamond Jubilee celebration of the Yangon University was held on a grand scale. One of the activities of the Diamond Jubilee was the gathering of graduates of the Yangon Institute of Technology(Y.I.T) and the new generation engineering and architectural students of Y.I.T. As a result of that gathering, the Committee for the Formation of Federation of Myanmar Engineering Societies was formed, consisting of engineers and architects from the Y.I.T , the other Government Departments and private sectors. Due to the systematic and relentless efforts of the Committee and the blessing of the authority, the official permit to form the Federation of Myanmar Engineering Societies(Fed.MES) was granted on 5th December 1995. Without further delay, a conference was held and Fed.MES was officially formed on 23th December 1995 in the Assembly Hall of Y.I.T with unanimous approval of some 800 engineers and architects present on the occasion. In accordance with the constitution , 36 Executive Committee(EC) members and 21 Central Executive Committee(CEC) members were elected and approved formally on the occasion. The Conference elected a Board of Patrons, consisting of 9 senior engineers, who were cabinet members of the Government too. Fed.MES was formally inaugurated on the lawns of Y.I.T on 7th February 1996. The tenure of office is two years Committees i.e CC and CEC and near the end of each term, new CC and CEC have to be elected.According to the Constitution of Fed.MES the President cannot assume office for more than two consecutive terms.

Year President General Secretary
1996-1998 Prof. U Kyin Soe Prof. U Nyi Hla Nge
1998-2000 Prof. U Nyi Hla Nge Dr. Kyaw Win
2000-2002 Dr. Pe Win Dr. Hla Than
2002-2004 Prof. Dr. Sein Myint U Than Myint
2004-2006 U Than Myint U Win Khaing
2006-2008 U Than Myint U Win Khaing
2008-2010 U Han Zaw U Aung Myint
2011-2014 U Win Khaing U Ko Ko Gyi
2015-2016 U Win Khaing U Tin Latt
2016-2018 U Aung Myint U Tin Latt
2019-2023 U Aung Myint U Soe Myint
2024-Present U Khin Maung Htaey Daw Win Mon Mon Lwin