Member Benefits

Life Member-LM 66
Fellow -F 160
Member-M 10809
Associate Member- AM 5188
Junior Member -JM 24366
Student Member -SM 23242
Affiliate Member-AM 3558
Comporate Member Company (CMC) 358
Total member 67359(updated on July 2024)

(a) Be a member of a prestigious organization which is committed and to the professional development of all engineers and architects in the Nation.

(b) Enhance your status as an engineer or architect by having the official membership title attached to your name.(AM.MES,M.MES,F.MES)

(c) Eligibility to become a member of ASEAN Engineer Register (AER)if the selection criteria is met. This prestigious award will enable the member to work as a certified engineer in all ASEAN countries.

(d) Open the door to the wide area of knowledge and facilities available through the Fed.MES Organization network including attending seminars, technical paper reading , exhibition, library and internet facilities, opportunity to attend training courses both local and overseas, chance to meet senior government engineers, professors from universities and private business entrepreneurs/industrialists leaders.

(e) Opportunity to get assistance for research and development initiatives which will promote the industrial development of the Nation.

(f) For the young generation engineers, this is a great opportunity to participate in Fed.MES activities and get more knowledge and learn from the experience of the older generation engineers and also create good networking and  contact with established engineering organizations and business for their professional career.