Fed.MES Library was opened on June14,2004.There are many technical and engineering books.All Library members are allowed to read,photocopy and rend all the books in this library.Any Fed.MES member can be registered as a library member.

Federation of Myanmar Engineering Societies Library ( CD List )

Sir Particulars/ Title Author Name
1 Workshop on Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Reduction Program (16-17, Nov. 2009) SEEDS Asia
2 Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction (1-2, July 2010, in Naypitaw)  
3 Seismic Loss Estimation: Simplified and GIS - based Approaches (18-22 Oct. 2010, in Yangon)  
4 Training Wrokshop on Earthquake Hazard Assessment (21-25, June, 2010, in Yangon)  
5 Solar Rediation Database for vthe Union of Myanmar  
6 Building Facades with Distinction (27 Mar. 2011)  
7 Proceedings of the First Symposium on Water Resources Development and Management in Irrigation Projects (7-8 Mar. 2010, in Bago)  
8 Hylib Trainig ( 8-11 Dec. 2009, in Fed.MES)  
9 Ships & Naval Architecture ( HA 11)  
10 Ship Related 709 books (HA 12)  
11 Science & Technology 194 books + 2222 files (HA 10)  
12 Ocean Offshore Civil Coestal 100 books (HA 09)  
13 Mechanical Marine 200 books (HA 07)  
14 Materials Metallurgy 300 books (HA 08)  
15 Maritime Affairs (HA 06)  
16 History & Wars 384 books (HA 05)  
17 EU Papers Management 2222books (HA 04)  
18 Electronic-Electrical 102books (HA 03)  
19 Dictionary & Encyclopedia (HA 02)  
20 Handbook 141 books (HA 01)  
21 Handbook 100 books (HA 01, Part 2)  
22 Applied AutoCAD 3D Modelling  
23 In Company Intermediate  
24 Digital Electronics  
25 Public Relations  
26 Fundamental of Ships & Naval  
27 Information Science and Control Engineering  
28 စက္မႈမဂၢဇင္း  
29 စြမ္းအင္အသံုးခ် စီမံခန္႔ခြဲလက္စြဲစာအုပ္  
30 A Practical Guide to the Writing Regulations (3rd edition) (MEF 1) Electrical & ElectronicBook
31 AC Rotating Machines (Basic Science & Technology) (MEF 1) Electrical & ElectronicBook
32 Advanced DC/DC Converters (MEF 1) Electrical & ElectronicBook
33 Alternating Current Theory (Basic Science & Technology) (MEF 1) Electrical & ElectronicBook
34 An Introduction to the Theory of Microwave Circuits(MEF 1) Electrical & ElectronicBook
35 Analog Circuit Design(MEF 1) Electrical & ElectronicBook
36 Analog to Digital Conversion (MEF 1) Electrical & ElectronicBook
37 Basic Electrical Theory (MEF 1) Electrical & ElectronicBook
38 Basic Electricity & Magnetism (MEF 1) Electrical & ElectronicBook
39 Batteries for Weapons (MEF 1) Electrical & ElectronicBook
40 Capacitors in DC Circuits (MEF 1) Electrical & ElectronicBook
41 Circuit Design with VHDL (MEF 1) Electrical & ElectronicBook
42 Circuit Design, Layout & Simulation (MEF 1) Electrical & ElectronicBook
43 DC Electrical Machines (MEF 1) Electrical & ElectronicBook
44 Digital Data Communication (MEF 1) Electrical & ElectronicBook
45 Digital Signal Processing (MEF 1) Electrical & ElectronicBook
46 Digital Televisions Technology & Standards (MEF 1) Electrical & ElectronicBook
47 Electric Circuits (MEF 1) Electrical & ElectronicBook
48 Electrical & Electronic Principles & Technology (MEF 1) Electrical & ElectronicBook
49 Electrical Engineer's Portable Handbook (MEF 1) Electrical & ElectronicBook
50 Electrical Engineer's Reference book (MEF 1) Electrical & ElectronicBook
51 Advanced Engineering Mathematics (MEF 2) Mathematics Books
52 Discrete Mathematics & Its Applications (MEF 2) Mathematics Books
53 Engineering Mathematics (MEF 2) Mathematics Books
54 Handbook of Linear Partial Differential Equations for Engineers & Scientists (MEF 2) Mathematics Books
55 Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation (MEF 2) Mathematics Books
56 Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables (MEF 2) Mathematics Books
57 Classical Electrodynamics (MEF 3) Electronic Books
58 Electric Machinery (SI Metric) (MEF 3) Electronic Books
59 Electrical Machines & Drivers (MEF 3) Electronic Books
60 Electromagnetic (MEF 3) Electronic Books
61 Engineering Electromagnetic (MEF 3) Electronic Books
62 Fourier Analysis on Finite Groups with Applications in Signal Processing and System Design (MEF 3) Electronic Books
63 Fundamental of Electrical Engineering (MEF 3) Electronic Books
64 Industrial Electronic (MEF 3) Electronic Books
65 Introduction Electronic (MEF 3) Electronic Books
66 Introduction to Microwaves (MEF 3) Electronic Books
67 Inverter Transformer Core Design & Material Selection (MEF 3) Electronic Books
68 Measurement, Instrumentation & Sensor Handbook (MEF 3) Electronic Books
69 Microelectronics (MEF 3) Electronic Books
70 Modern Antenna Design (MEF 3) Electronic Books
71 Modern Receiver Front-Ends (MEF 3) Electronic Books
72 Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetic (MEF 3) Electronic Books
73 Programmable Logic Controllers: Programming Methods & Applications (MEF 3) Electronic Books
74 Programming PIC Microcontrollers with PicBasic (MEF 3) Electronic Books
75 Systems Analysis and Design (MEF 3) Electronic Books
76 The Introduction Machine Handbook Electronic Books
77 Assembly Languages for the IBM-PC (MEF 4) Electronic Books
78 Automation, Production Systems & Computer Integrated Manufacturing (MEF 4) Electronic Books
79 Design with Operational Amplifiers & Analog Integrate Circuits (MEF 4) Electronic Books
80 Development of Power Cables (MEF 5) Electronic Books
81 Digital Fundamentals (MEF 5) Electronic Books
82 Electronic Communication Techniques (MEF 5) Electronic Books
83 Digital Principles & Applications (MEF 6) Electronic Books
84 Electrical Machines, Drives (MEF 6) Electronic Books
85 Electronic Devices (MEF 6) Electronic Books
86 The RF & Microwave Handbook (MEF 6) Electronic Books
87 Electrical Power System Design (MEF 7) Electronic Books
88 Microelectronics (MEF 7) Electronic Books
89 Networks, Filters & Transmission Lines (MEF 7) Electronic Books
90 Power System Analysis (MEF 7) Electronic Books
91 The Power Electronics Handbook (MEF 7) Electronic Books
92 The Resources Handbook of Electronic (MEF 7) Electronic Books
93 The RF Transmission System Handbook (MEF 7) Electronic Books
94 Modern Control Systems (MEF 8) Electronic Books
95 Pspice & Circuit Analysis (MEF 8) Electronic Books
96 Introductory Circuit Analysis (MEF 9) Electronic Books
97 Design of Machine Tools (MEF 10) Electronic Books
98 Hydraulic Machines Theory & Design (MEF 10) Electronic Books
99 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning (MEF 10) Electronic Books
100 Theory & Problems of Machine Design (MEF 10) Electronic Books
101 Air Conditioning & Refrigeration (MEF 11) Mechanical Books
102 Automotive Technology (MEF 11) Mechanical Books
103 Dynamics of Machinery (MEF 11) Mechanical Books
104 Elements of Internal Combustion Engines (MEF 11) Mechanical Books
105 Energy Conversion (MEF 11) Mechanical Books
106 Engineering Vibration Analysis with Application to Control Systems Mechanical Books
107 Fluid Mechanics (MEF 11) Mechanical Books
108 Fundamental of Probability & Statistics for Engineers (MEF 11) Mechanical Books
109 Internal Combustion Engines (MEF 11) Mechanical Books
110 Linear Optimal Control (MEF 11) Mechanical Books
111 Manufacturing Engineerng & Technology (MEF 11) Mechanical Books
112 Manufacturing Technology (MEF 11) Mechanical Books
113 Mechanical System Controls (MEF 11) Mechanical Books
114 Modern Control Engineering (MEF 11) Mechanical Books
115 Multivariable Control System: An Engineering Approach (MEF 11) Mechanical Books
116 Principles of Naval Architecture (MEF 11) Mechanical Books
117 Applied Fluid Mechanics (MEF 12) Mechanical Books
118 Basic Technical Drawing (MEF 12) Mechanical Books
119 Dynamic (MEF 12) Mechanical Books
120 Fluid Mechanics (MEF 12) Mechanical Books
121 Strength of Materials (MEF 12) Mechanical Books
122 Engineering Fundamentals of the Internal Combustion Engine (MEF 13) Mechanical Books
123 Hydraulics, Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines (MEF 13) Mechanical Books
124 Production (MEF 13) Mechanical Books
125 Simulation Modelling Handbook (MEF 13) Mechanical Books
126 Theory & Problems of Machine Design (MEF 13) Mechanical Books
127 Gas Turbine Theory (MEF 14) Mechanical Books
128 Shop Theory (MEF 14) Mechanical Books
129 Engineering Mechanics: Stastics & Dynamics (MEF 14) Mechanical Books
130 Basic Engineering Thermodynamic (MEF 14) Mechanical Books
131 Theory & Problems of Mechanical Vibrations (MEF 14) Mechanical Books
132 5.25 GHz Low Noise Amplifier Using Triquint MMIC Process (MEF 15) Radar Books
133 A Primier of Signal Detection Theory (MEF 15) Radar Books
134 A Rader History of World War II (MEF 15) Radar Books
135 A Source Book on an American Forward-Based Missile Defense Rader in the Caucasus (MEF 15) Radar Books
136 A Stastical Theory of Target Detection by Pulse Rader (MEF 15) Radar Books
137 A Study of Transmit & Receive Antenna Diversary Techniques for Communication System (MEF 15) Radar Books
138 Advanced Techniques in RF Power Amplifier Design (MEF 15) Radar Books
139 Air & Space borne Rader System: An Introduction (MEF 15) Radar Books
140 Antennas for Information Super Skyways: An Exposition on Outdoor & Indoor Wireless Antennas (MEF 15) Radar Books
141 Anti-Stealth Technology (MEF 15) Radar Books
142 Applying Radar Technology to Migratory Bird Conservation and Management : Strengthening and Expanding a Collaborative (MEF 15) Radar Books
143 Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems for Engineers (MEF 15) Radar Books
144 Basic Antenna Theory (MEF 15) Radar Books
145 Basic Radar (MEF 15) Radar Books
146 Basic Radar 2 (MEF 15) Radar Books
147 Basic Radar 3 (MEF 15) Radar Books
148 Basic Radar Principles & General Characteristics (MEF 15) Radar Books
149 Conformal Array Antenna Theory & Design (MEF 15) Radar Books
150 Coplanar Waveguide Circuits, Components & Systems (MEF 15) Radar Books
151 Dependence of the Normalized Radar Cross Section of Ocean Waves on Bragg Wavelength Wind Speed & Direction Sensitivity (MEF 15) Radar Books
152 Detection & Measurement of Radar Signals: A Tutorial (MEF 15) Radar Books
153 Detection Fundamentals (MEF 15) Radar Books
154 Electronic Techniaian: Vol. 4- Radar Systems (MEF 15) Radar Books
155 Electronic Techniaian: Vol. 7-Antennas and Wave Propagation (MEF 15) Radar Books
156 Field Antenna Handbook (MEF 15) Radar Books
157 Fourier Analysis on Finite Groups with Application in Signal Processing & System Design (MEF 15) Radar Books
158 Fourier Transforms in Radar & Signal Processing (MEF 15) Radar Books
159 Full Wave Analysis of the Contribution to the Radar Cross Section of the Jet Engine Air Intake of Fighter Aircraft (MEF 15) Radar Books
160 Fundamental of Radar Technology for Level Gauging (MEF 15) Radar Books
161 High-Speed Circuit Board Signal Integrity (MEF 15) Radar Books
162 Introduction to Radar System (MEF 15) (2nd ed.) Radar Books
163 Introduction to Airborne Radar (MEF 15) Radar Books
164 Introduction to Radar System (MEF 15) Radar Books
165 Introduction to Radar System (MEF 15) (3rd ed.) Radar Books
166 Lighting Protection & Radar Cross-Section Minimization (MEF 15) Radar Books
167 MATLAB Simulations for Radar Systems Design (MEF 15) Radar Books
168 Microwave Circuit Modelling Using Electromagnetic Field Simulation Modern Radar Systems (MEF 15) Radar Books
169 Modern Radar Systems (MEF 15) Radar Books
170 Navy Electricity & Electronics Training Series: Module 18-Radar Principles (MEF 15) Radar Books
171 Nonlinear Microwave & RF Circuits (MEF 15) Radar Books
172 A Guide to Physics Problems Part 1: Mechanics, Relativity & Electrodynamics (MEF 16) Engineering Books
173 A Guide to Physics Problems Part 2: Thermodynamic Statistical Physics & Quantum Mechanics (MEF 16) Engineering Books
174 Advanced Control Engineering (MEF 16) Engineering Books
175 Analysis & Control of Nonlinear Process Systems (MEF 16) Engineering Books
176 Automated Continuous Process Control (MEF 16) Engineering Books
177 Automotive Science & Mathematics (MEF 16) Engineering Books
178 Bridge Engineering (MEF 16) Engineering Books
179 CliffsAP Physics B&C (MEF 16) Engineering Books
180 Communication & Information System (MEF 16) Engineering Books
181 Conservation Laws (MEF 16) Engineering Books
182 CS 294-7: Mobile Satellite Systems (MEF 16) Engineering Books
183 Data Communication (MEF 16) Engineering Books
184 Developing Effected Engineering Leadership (MEF 16) Engineering Books
185 Digital Satelllite Communications (MEF 16) Engineering Books
186 Discrete Signals & Inverse Problems : An Introduction for Engineers & Scientists (MEF 16) Engineering Books
187 Electricity & Magnetism (MEF 16) Engineering Books
188 Electronic Warfare (MEF 16) Engineering Books
189 Electronic Warfare in Operation (MEF 16) Engineering Books
190 Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric & Fuel Cell Vehicles : Fundamentals,Theory & Design (MEF 16) Engineering Books
191 Nanotechnology Highlights 2009(MEF 16) Engineering Books
192 Network+TM Study Guide (MEF 16) Engineering Books
193 Newtonian Physics (MEF 16) Engineering Books
194 Optical Switching and Networking Handbook (MEF 16) Engineering Books
195 Optical Fiber Telecommunication VB : Systems & Networks (MEF 16) Engineering Books
196 PC Assembly Language (MEF 16) Engineering Books
197 Physics for Scientists & Engineers (MEF 16) Engineering Books
198 Physics Workbook for Dummies (MEF 16) Engineering Books
199 Quantum Mechanics : Concept & Applications (MEF 16) Engineering Books
200 Real-Time System Design & Analysis (MEF 16) Engineering Books
201 Satellite Communication Engineering (MEF 16) Engineering Books
202 Sciences of Everyday Things: Vol.1-Real Life Chemistry (MEF 16) Engineering Books
203 Sciences of Everyday Things: Vol.1-Real Life Physics (MEF 16) Engineering Books
204 Sciences of Everyday Things: Vol.1-Real Life Biology (MEF 16) Engineering Books
205 Sciences of Everyday Things: Vol.1-Real Life Earth Science (MEF 16) Engineering Books
206 Securing SCADA Systems (MEF 16) Engineering Books
207 Signaling in Telecommunication Networks (MEF 16) Engineering Books
208 Engineering Materials (E-035)  
209 Metal Foams-A Design Guide (E-035)  
210 Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps (E-035)  
211 Marine Structural Design (E-035) BAI, Y
212 Practical Ship Hydrodynamics (E-035) Bertram V.
213 Enginering Mathematics (E-035) Bird,J.
214 Improving Machinery Reliability (E-035) Bloch ,H.P.
215 Designing Capable and Reliable Products (E-035) Booker , J.D.
216 Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook (E-035) Boyce,M.P.
217 The Coming of Materials Science (E-036) Cahn, R.W.
218 Biaxial-Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture (E-036) Carpinteri,A.
219 Hazardous Chemicals Handbook (E-036) Carson,P.
220 Matal Machining Theory and Applications (E-036) Childs,T.
221 Ship Construction (E-036) Eyres,D.J.
222 The Motor Vehicle (E-036) Garret,T.K.
223 Handbook of Production Management Methods (E-036) Halevi,G
224 Advanced Vehicle Technology (E-036) Hetsler,H.
225 Lightweight Electric Hybrid Vehicle Design (E-036) Hodkinson,R.
226 Advanced Gas Turbine Cycles (E-036) Horlock,J.H.
227 ISO 9000-2000 An A-Z Guide (E-036) Holye,D.
228 Failure Analysis Case Studies II (E-036) Jones,D.R.H.
229 Introduction to Practical Fluid Flow (E-036) King,R.P.
230 Fluid Mechanics (E-036) Kundu,P.K.
231 Fiber Fracture (E-036) Elices M.
232 Acoustic detailing for steel construction Phoe Zaw (MEF)
233 Brick cladding to steel framed buildings Phoe Zaw (MEF)
234 Bridge detailing guide CIRIA Phoe Zaw (MEF)
235 Bridge design for improved buildability CIRIA Phoe Zaw (MEF)
236 Building Construction Handbook Phoe Zaw (MEF)
237 Building Regulations 2000-Approved Documents C-Site Preparation and Resistance to moisture Phoe Zaw (MEF)
238 Building Regulations 2000-Approved Documents D-Toxic Substances Phoe Zaw (MEF)
239 Building Regulations 2000-Approved Documents E-Resistance to the passage of sound Phoe Zaw (MEF)
240 Building Regulations 2000-Approved Documents F-Ventilation Phoe Zaw (MEF)
241 Building Regulations 2000-Approved Documents G-Sanitation,Hot Water and Water Efficiency Phoe Zaw (MEF)
242 Building Regulations 2000-Approved Documents H-Drainage and waste disposal Phoe Zaw (MEF)
243 Building Regulations 2000-Approved Documents J-Combustion Application andFuel Storage Systems Phoe Zaw (MEF)
244 Building Regulations 2000-Approved Documents L1A-Conservation of Fuel and Power in New Dwelling Phoe Zaw (MEF)
245 Building Regulations 2000-Approved Documents L1B-Conservation of Fuel and Power in Existing Dwelling Phoe Zaw (MEF)
246 Building Regulations 2000-Approved Documents L2A-Conservation of Fuel and Power in new Buildings other than dwelling Phoe Zaw (MEF)
247 Building Regulations 2000-Approved Documents L2B-Conservation of Fuel and Power in existing Buildings other than dwelling Phoe Zaw (MEF)
248 Building Regulations 2000-Approved Documents M-Access to and use of building Phoe Zaw (MEF)
249 Building Regulations 2000-Approved Documents N-Glazing-Safely in relation to impact Phoe Zaw (MEF)
250 Building Regulations 2000-Approved Documents P-Electrical safely dwelling Phoe Zaw (MEF)
251 Building Regulations 2000-Approved Documents A-Structure Phoe Zaw (MEF)
252 Building Regulations 2000-Approved Documents B-Fire Safety Volume 2 Buildings other than dwelling houses Phoe Zaw (MEF)
253 Building Regulations 2000-Approved Documents B-Fire Safety Volume 1 dwelling houses Phoe Zaw (MEF)
254 Concrete technology for cast in situ foundations-CIRIA Phoe Zaw (MEF)
255 Connection between steel and other materials-interfaces Phoe Zaw (MEF)
256 Construction Project Management Skills Phoe Zaw (MEF)
257 Culvert design and opration guide-CIRIA Phoe Zaw (MEF)
258 Design and construction of concrete floors Phoe Zaw (MEF)
259 Design and construction of deep basements including cut and cover structures Phoe Zaw (MEF)
260 Design and construction of joints in concrete structures Phoe Zaw (MEF)
261 Design and maintenance of culverts Phoe Zaw (MEF)
262 Design for construction Phoe Zaw (MEF)
263 Design guide for steel railway bridges Phoe Zaw (MEF)
264 Design manual for structural stainless steel Phoe Zaw (MEF)
265 Design of brick diaphragm walls Phoe Zaw (MEF)
266 Design of composite beams using precast concrete slabs Phoe Zaw (MEF)
267 Design of curved brickwork Phoe Zaw (MEF)
268 Design of haunched composite beams in buildings Phoe Zaw (MEF)
269 Design of laterally loaded Brick walls Phoe Zaw (MEF)
270 Design of laterally loaded piles Phoe Zaw (MEF)
271 Design of multi storey braced frames Phoe Zaw (MEF)
272 Design of post tensioned brickwork Phoe Zaw (MEF)
273 Design of reinforcement in piles Phoe Zaw (MEF)
274 Design of semi-continuous braced frames Phoe Zaw (MEF)
275 Designing quality buildings Phoe Zaw (MEF)
276 Earth masonry Design and construction guidelines Phoe Zaw (MEF)
277 Efficient design of piled foundations for low rise housing-design guide Phoe Zaw (MEF)
278 Embedded retaining walls -Guidance for economic design Phoe Zaw (MEF)
279 Energy effincient housing using light steel framing Phoe Zaw (MEF)
280 Engineering guide to the safety of concrete and masonry dam structures in the UK Phoe Zaw (MEF)
281 Fast construction of concrete bridges Phoe Zaw (MEF)
282 Faster construction on site by selection of methods and materials Phoe Zaw (MEF)
283 Fire resistance of steel structures Phoe Zaw (MEF)
284 Foundation design Phoe Zaw (MEF)
285 Glued laminated beam design tables Phoe Zaw (MEF)
286 Gluam specifiers guide Phoe Zaw (MEF)
287 Guidance on the use of stainless steel reinforcement Phoe Zaw (MEF)
288 Guide to contract procedures Phoe Zaw (MEF)
289 Guide to testing and monitoring the durability of concrete structures Phoe Zaw (MEF)
290 Guide to the design of concrete structures in Arabian Peninsula Phoe Zaw (MEF)
291 H-Pile design guide Phoe Zaw (MEF)
292 Hardwood in construction Phoe Zaw (MEF)
293 How to design a bolted steel fitch beam-TRADA Phoe Zaw (MEF)
294 Joint in steel construction-MomentConection-Part 1 Phoe Zaw (MEF)
295 Joint in steel construction-MomentConection-Part 2 Phoe Zaw (MEF)
296 Low rise building foundations on soft ground Phoe Zaw (MEF)
297 Manual for the design of plain masonry in building structures Phoe Zaw (MEF)
298 Manual for the design of steelwork building structures Phoe Zaw (MEF)
299 Manual for the seismic design of steel and concrete building to Eurocode 8 Phoe Zaw (MEF)
300 Mini-piles and composite ground floors for housing Phoe Zaw (MEF)
301 Modelling of steel structures for computer analysis Phoe Zaw (MEF)
302 Modular gravity retaining walls-design guidance Phoe Zaw (MEF)
303 Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings Phoe Zaw (MEF)
304 Practical yield line design Phoe Zaw (MEF)
305 Project management,planning and control Phoe Zaw (MEF)
306 Replacement steel bridges for motorway widening Phoe Zaw (MEF)
307 Risk assessment in construction Phoe Zaw (MEF)
308 Risk assessment simplified-basic guidance Phoe Zaw (MEF)
309 Risks in domestic basement construction Phoe Zaw (MEF)
310 Roadwork theory and practice Phoe Zaw (MEF)
311 Seawall design Phoe Zaw (MEF)
312 Setting out procedures Phoe Zaw (MEF)
313 Site engineers manual Phoe Zaw (MEF)
314 Site guide to foundation construction Phoe Zaw (MEF)
315 Steel building design worked examples tor students Phoe Zaw (MEF)
316 Steel buildings Phoe Zaw (MEF)
317 Steel in multi storey residential buildings Phoe Zaw (MEF)
318 Structural aspects of building conservation Phoe Zaw (MEF)
319 Structural detailing in timber Phoe Zaw (MEF)
320 Structural steelwork design to limit state theory Phoe Zaw (MEF)
321 The basis of sustainable design Phoe Zaw (MEF)
322 The standard penetration test (SPT) methods and use Phoe Zaw (MEF)
323 Timber drying manual Phoe Zaw (MEF)
324 Timber frame housing systems built in the UK 1920-1965 Phoe Zaw (MEF)
325 Timber frame housing-UK structural recommendations Phoe Zaw (MEF)
326 Timber of the world South East Asia Phoe Zaw (MEF)
327 Traffic engineering design Principles and practice Phoe Zaw (MEF)
328 Water resisting basements Phoe Zaw (MEF)
329 Wind moment design for unbraced frames Phoe Zaw (MEF)
330 Wind moment design for low rise frames Phoe Zaw (MEF)
331 Working together A guide for planners and housing providers Phoe Zaw (MEF)
332 Bridge Engineering Handbook (MEF 16) Civil MEF
333 Bridge Engineering Handbook Civil MEF
334 Civil Engineering Formula Civil MEF
335 Building Design & Construction Handbook Civil MEF
336 Civil Engineering Handbook 2nd Edition Civil MEF
337 Earthquake Engineering Handbook Civil MEF
338 Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations Civil MEF
339 Handbook of Adhesive Bonded Structural Repair Civil MEF
340 Handbook of Polymer Modified Concrete & Mortars properties Process Technology Civil MEF
341 Handbook on Nondestructive Testing of Concrete Civil MEF
342 PCI Design Handbook 6th Edition Civil MEF
343 McGraw-Hill Concies Encyclopedia of Science & Tecnology 5th Edition Civil MEF
344 Structural Steel Designer's Handbook 3rdEdition Civil MEF
345 The Civil Engineering Handbook Civil MEF
346 Civil Engineer Reference Book 4th Edition Civil MEF
347 Uhilg's Corrosion Handbook Civil MEF
348 Continental Steel Catalogue Civil MEF
349 Structural Engineering Handbook Civil MEF
350 Engineering Mechanics MOM Civil MEF
351 Fire Safety Engineering - Design of Structures Civil MEF
352 Handbook on Development & Building Works in Railway protection Zone Civil MEF
353 SSRAY r4einforced concrete analysis and design Civil MEF
354 Engineered_ interfaces_ in_ fiber_ reinforced_ Composites - JangKyo_ Kim Civil MEF
355 Construction Technology Civil MEF
356 Steel Designer's Manual,6th Edition, 2003 Civil MEF
357 advanced _civil_infrastructure Civil MEF
358 handbook_of_ comparative _ weld_ Steel_standards Civil MEF
359 Accessibility Code 2007 Architecture MEF
360 Architectural Record Houses 2007 Architecture MEF
361 Architect Portable Handbook Architecture MEF
362 Davidlittlefield_ Metric Handbook Planning & Design Data Architecture MEF
363 Architectural Record Architecture MEF
364 Architectural Thought- the- Design Process & the Expectant Eye Architecture MEF
365 Donald Watson_ Time- Saver-Standards For Urban Design Architecture MEF
366 Donald Watson_ Time- Saver-Standards For Architectural Design Data Architecture MEF
367 EdwardAllen_Architectural Detailing ,function,Constructibility, Aesthetics Architecture MEF
368 Handbook of Interior Lighting Design Architecture MEF
369 For Interior Design & Planning Architecture MEF
370 JosephDeChiara_ Time-Saver Standards For Building Types Architecture MEF
371 Katherine Ekennon_ The Codes Guide book for Interiors Architecture MEF
372 Dubai_and _UAE_Architecture_Jan_08 Architecture MEF
373 guide_to_bdasoct03 Architecture MEF
374 Encyclopedia -of- AncientEgypt Architecture MEF
375 Inteior Design Handbook-of-Professional Practice_ CindyColeman Mimarlik Architecture MEF
376 Land. Devt. Handbook Architecture MEF
377 New Working Spaces Architecture MEF
378 Nature Light in Architecture Architecture MEF
379 Product Architecture Thesis Architecture MEF
380 Ulimate Restaurant Design Architecture MEF
381 Working Drawing Handbook Architecture MEF
382 Urban planning & Design _Dr.Kyaw Latt Architecture MEF
383 WorldTradeCenter_ MIDLAND Architecture MEF
384 ဂ်ပန္ဘာအေျခခံသဒၵါႏွင့္ စကားေျပာ ဦးေအာင္မိုးျမင့္
385 AGM Presentation ( 14 . 1 .2012)  
386 Recycling Technology of Asphalt Paveonent ( 25 . 2 . 2012 ) "Hiroj koseki, Taro kaji ,Kazuyuki Kuba
387 Code , Standard & Welding , Wrrosion Persentation by Than Tun Zaw  
388 Introduction for Learing of 1. ILSAP Secondary Steel Maching Simulation ( 3 . 3 .2012 )
2. Production for Flat Steel Product ( Next )
3. The Romomechanical Treatment Applied for Production of Flat Steel Products ( 13 . 1 . 2012 )
U Than Oo
389 Verification on the Evolutionary Policy of Automobile Production in Asia - Pacificate Region and Appropriate Suggfestions to be Applied in Myanmar ( 11th march - 2012 )  
390 Herenknecht AG ,Traffic Tunneling , Utility Tunneling.  
391 Foundation design for Soft Clay Soils - Part 2  
392 Technical Seminar on Green Energy Efficient & Safety Class  
393 Gold Mining  
394 Soil Test & Research Lab : Public Works . ( Final Seminar ) Daw Yin Yin Swe ( E . E )
395 Road Research Laboratory Public Works . Daw Mya Mya Win ( DSE)
396 Applications of Pumping Equipment Water Treatment for Water Supply  
397 Variation of Compressive Strength of Concrete for Concrete Materials U Tin Shwe
398 Test & Measurement Product Catalog  
399 Provide Test & Monitoring Solution to Telecommunications , Broadcast , Education & Electronic Industries  
400 Basic Electronics  
401 Basic Electronics  
402 Autodesk  
403 Autodesk  
404 2013 AGM ( Paper - 2013 )  
405 Law carbon green growth roadmap for asia and the pacific  
406 Collection of technical papers published in 2005 - 2009 ( Volume - 7 )  
407 Collection of Technical papers published in 1975 - 2004  
408 Engineering & Construction group ( Sam Sung ( C& T )  
409 Precast & Pre - Stress factory ( Aung Zaya )  
410 Yaskawa Catalogue ( Robotics Mechatronics , System Engineering )  
411 Malaysian Rubber Products.  
412 Penetron ( Total concrete protection )  
413 The seminar on transportation and road traffic planning for mitigation of traffic congestion ( 31 st august 2013 ) ( Fukken Co,Ltd , Hiroshima university )  
414 The seminar on transportation and road traffic planning for mitigation of traffic congestion  
415 A market leader : Skills , Knowledge and Experiences  
416 Getting results with microsoft office for windows 95 Prof . Krishna's
417 print artist 4.0 platinum Prof . Krishna's
418 print artist 4.0 platinum , graphic catalog Prof . Krishna's
419 Presentation of electrical energy losses in myanmar ( 15 . 2 . 2014 ) ( U Tun Aye ) U Tun Aye
420 Plastic formwork  
421 Schneider electic , the global specialist in energy management  
423 Food Security and Nutrition OD;&SdefMunf
424 2014 - 2015 , Textile Machinery Made in Taiwan OD;&SdefMunf
425 2014 -2015 , Who makes machinery in Taiwan OD;&SdefMunf
426 Contributing to the telecommunications infrastructure ( UMFCCI ) OD;&SdefMunf
427 Cyclone '' Nargis ''  
428 Tet Lann Constructin Co.,ltd , Aye Yeik Thar Condominium construction project using of table fromwork & system forwork  
429 IP law 9th Draft & Comment ( 22 . 5 . 2012 )  
430 ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံအင္ဂ်င္နီယာအသင္း ႏွစ္ပတ္လည္အသင္းသားစံုညီ ညီလာခံဂုဏ္ျပဳစာတမ္း ဖတ္ပြဲႏွင့္ Techanical Products Show (2007၊ ဒီဇင္ဘာ ၂၁ရက္မွ ၂၃ရက္)  
431 ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံအင္ဂ်င္နီယာအသင္း ႏွစ္ပတ္လည္အသင္းသားစံုညီ ညီလာခံဂုဏ္ျပဳစာတမ္း ဖတ္ပြဲႏွင့္ Techanical Products Show (2007၊ ဒီဇင္ဘာ ၂၁ရက္မွ ၂၃ရက္)  
432 Fed.MES ? Conferment Ceremony of medals and certificates of AFEO and Fed.MES & Annual dinner and award night ( 12 . 1 . 2014 )  
433 ဒဂံုၿမိဳ႔သစ္ေတာင္ပိုင္း၊ ၿမိဳ႔နယ္အမွတ္ (၅၄)ရပ္ကြက္၊ ဥာသနာေသာဘိနိသိမ္ေတ္ာ  
434 သဘာဝနည္းျဖင့္ သည္းေျခေက်ာက္ဖယ္ရွားနည္း (ကိုယ္ေတြ႔နည္း) U Than Win
435 Operational process of a town watersupply project in eastern ( Shan state , Myanmar ) U Khin Maung Htaey
436 Air Pollution ( 20 . 6 .2015 ) Daw Mu Mu Aye
437 Engineers & Food Industry ( 23 . 5 . 2015 ) Daw Mu Mu Aye
438 Myanmar electricity Fed.MES , Renewable energy situation in myanmar U Thaung Win
439 Water supply ( 27.6.2015 - seminor ) U Khin Maung Htaey
440 Essentials , Applications & Operation of pumping equipment  
441 Biotechnology  
442 Railways Seminar  
443 TWG - 1  
444 Water Seminar  
445 PDP Course ( Mechanical Training ( 29.8.2015- 30.8.2015)  
446 Design of highway bridges  
447 Design paradigms  
448 Aashto lrfd bridges design specifications  
449 Construction Industry for Construction Management Regulations  
450 Design concept of M & E system to commercial and office complex building U Aung Zaw Myint
451 Electronic energy metering and its advantages by Mr. Manish  
452 YTU Seminar  
453 National Building Code 2016  
454 AGM - Abstract  
455 Fire Protection  
456 HiDa  
457 Safety quality Food  
458 BIM Seminar  
459 Italian Seminar  
460 Chemical Engineering  
461 2nd Fed.MES - JSCE Joint Symposion  
462 B2B Management Mazine (ရုပ္သံလွိဳင္းမ်ားႏွင့္ ဆက္သြယ္ေပးသူ - ပါေမာကၡေဒါက္တာေအာင္ထြန္းသက္ ေတြ႕ဆံုေမးျမန္းသည္)  
463 Curtain Walling System  
464 The eighth international conference on science , technology and innovation for sustainable well-Being  
465 FOSROC- Seminar on concrete repair  
466 Fed.MES- Electrical power technical division  
467 Introduction to EPC project exection U Tin Soe Thein
468 Total Water treatment Trairing modules program RWT 301 operate, control and monitor raw water treatment course
469 Knowledge sharing for traffic engineer and urban transport planning  
470 Earthquake Seminar ( U Than Myint )  
471 Yangon Mosoon Forum  
472 Fed.MES Doers Incubator Official Opening  
473 Seminar on Planning and development of tunnelling and underground structure for better and sustainable cities
474 Introduction to production management U Aung Soe , BE ( Che: )
475 Total water treatment training modules program BWT 301 operate control & monitoring boiler water treatment  
476 Compressed air engineering  
477 Italian technical symposium no.5  
478 Historical monument in bagan region  
479 Study of the feasibility to generate electricity from the waste heat utilization of incineration plant Honorary professor Shuichi Yokoyama
480 Road Safety in myanmar  
481 Power cable : laying , termination and splicing U Tin Aung , SE - Rtd
482 Federation of Myanmar Engineering Societies : 12th Kahtein robe Donation ceremony ( photo data )  
483 ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံအင္ဂ်င္နီယာႏွစ္ (၁၀၀)ျပည့္ပြဲ  
484 ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံအင္ဂ်င္နီယာႏွင့္ မေလးရွားတို႔ ပူးေပါင္းစီစဥ္ေသာ Professional Engineer  
485 ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံအင္ဂ်င္နီယာအသင္းႏွင့္ BEIတို႕ပူးေပါင္းစီစဥ္ေသာ sustaining the environment through the green factor seminar  
486 AGM - Paper Reading  
487 IAP - 2016 ( Presentation )  
488 Action Planning Process ( Earthquake Workshop )