GGP Call for Application Registration

GGP Call for Application of Registration (Construction Company)
Registration of Construction companies for the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) in Myanmar, 
About the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP)
The Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) is a financial assistance scheme of the Government of Japan that is offered for developing countries. The GGP supports various development projects proposed bodies by NGOs, local public authorities, educational, basic infrastructure and health/medical institutions. The average grant amount for each project is 10 million Japanese yen (approx. USD 90,000). The Embassy of Japan in Myanmar assists about 30 – 40 projects per year such as school buildings, rural health care facilities, rural roads and small scale bridges and provision of medical equipment, etc.
The GGP recipient organizations are inviting Construction companies interested in registering for the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP). Registering companies must meet the registration requirements below. 
The grant recipient is normally responsible for selecting Construction companies to implement the project through a comparison of quotations from different companies under the supervision of the Embassy of Japan.
Registration Requirements
1. Have adequate experience in the related fields in which GGP is carried out.
2. Have no serious issues in implementing GGP and other projects in the past.
3. Possess more than 100,000,000 Myanmar Kyat or equivalent USD in company’s bank account or as net assets.
4. Be not on the list of Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) of the United States, nor owned by SDN with a share of more than 50 percent.
To apply, please submit all the documents (HARDCOPY) listed below shall be submitted to the Embassy of Japan no later than 23rd December 2019. 
List of documents for registration
1. Application for Registration (Form C-1)
2. List of recent projects (Form C-2) 
3. Engineers’ carrier (Form C-3)
4. List of branch offices (Form C-4)
5. List of partner companies (Form C-5)
6. Annual Financial Statement & Audit Report for past 3 years
7. Updated bank statements for Myanmar Kyat and USD
8. Company registration certificate
9. Company pamphlet or brochure
10. Photos of construction for each type of project (e.g. Building, Road, Bridge and etc.)  
Send application to: GGP Section 
Embassy of Japan in Myanmar
No.100, Natmauk Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar 
For Inquiry: GGP Section 
Phone: 01-549644 ~ 48 (Ext: 386, 387, 611, and 666) 
No.100, Natmauk Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar

GGP Call for Application of Registration (Design Company)
Registration of design companies for the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) in Myanmar 
About the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP)
The Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) is a financial assistance scheme of the Government of Japan that is offered for developing countries. The GGP supports various development projects proposed bodies such as NGOs, local public authorities, educational and health/medical institutions. The average grant amount for each project is 10 million Japanese yen (approx. USD 90,000). The Embassy of Japan in Myanmar assists about 30 – 40 projects per year through this GGP scheme. Some examples of GGP include construction of school buildings, rural health care facilities, rural roads and small scale bridges, provision of medical equipment, etc.
The GGP recipient organizations are inviting design companies interested in registering for the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP). Registering companies must meet the registration requirements below.
The grant recipient is normally responsible for selecting design companies to implement their project through a comparison of quotations from the different companies under the supervision of the Embassy of Japan.
Registration Requirements
1. Have adequate experience in the related fields in which GGP is carried out.
2. Have no serious issues in implementing GGP and other projects in the past.
3. Be not on the list of Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) of the United States, nor owned by SDN with a share of more than 50 percent.
To apply, please submit all the documents (HARDCOPY) listed below to the Embassy of Japan no later than 23rd December 2019.
List of application documents for registration
1. Application for Registration (Form D-1)
2. List of recent projects (Form D-2) 
3. Engineers’ carrier (Form D-3)
4. List of branch offices (Form D-4)
5. List of partner companies (Form D-5)
6. Company registration certificate
7. Company pamphlet or brochure
8. A set of completed design (Archi, Structure and Estimate) 
Send application to: GGP Section 
Embassy of Japan in Myanmar
No.100, Natmauk Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar 
For Inquiries: GGP Section 
Phone: 01-549644 ~ 48 (Ext: 386, 387, 611, and 666) 
No.100, Natmauk Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar 


Call for Application (Audit Firm)
Registration of Audit Firms for the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) in Myanmar
About the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) 
The Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) is a financial assistance scheme of the Government of Japan that is offered for developing countries. The GGP supports various development projects proposed bodies such as NGOs and local public authorities. The grant amount for each project is up to 10 million Japanese yen (approx. USD 90,000). The Embassy of Japan in Myanmar assists about 30 – 40 projects per year through this GGP scheme. Some examples of GGP include construction of school buildings, rural health care facilities, rural roads and small scale bridges and provision of medical equipment, etc. 
The Embassy of Japan in Myanmar is inviting audit firms to be registered for the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) for fiscal year 2019. A GGP grant recipient is normally responsible for selecting audit firms to implement the project through a comparison of quotations from at least three different firms. The Embassy of Japan will recommend registered firms in our database at the request of grant recipient to assist the process. 
To apply, all the documents listed below shall be submitted to the Embassy of Japan no later than 23rd December 2019. 
Results will be notified by the Embassy of Japan to applying firms, after examining all submitted documents and assessment. 
List of application documents for Audit Firms
1. Application for Registration (Form A-1) 
2. List of recently audited projects (Form A-2)
3. List of Branch Offices (Form A-3) 
4. List of Partner Firms (Form A-4) 
4. Annual Financial Statement & Audit Report for past 3 years
5. Updated bank statements for Myanmar Kyat and USD
6. Company registration certificate 
Registration Requirements
1. Has adequate experience in relevant fields in which GGP projects are carried out.
2. Has no serious issues in performance for GGP and other projects in the past. 
3. Is not listed on Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) of the United States, nor owned by SDN with a share of more than 50 percent. 
Send application to: GGP Section 
Embassy of Japan in Myanmar
No.100, Natmauk Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar. 
For Inquiry: GGP Section 
Phone: 01-549644 ~ 48 (Ext: 386, 387, 611, and 666) 
No.100, Natmauk Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar.